Essential Product Photography Techniques

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MO Studios product photo examples

Creative product photography is an invaluable marketing tool. It is a much more immersive experience which is why online shoppers prefer them. As a result, you have to capture your audience’s attention with your product photography. Better photos will increase your sales rate. 

Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to product photography.


Backgrounds & Props in Product photograpy

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– Mo studios

For product photography, you should keep your background out of focus. When the background is unfocused, your products will immediately draw your audience to your business. Therefore, you need to keep your main product in front while the background remains blurred. Again, different props and environments help customers imagine and understand the product’s intended use.

Product photography Editing

Sometimes, demonstrating a product’s core offering and benefits may prove difficult. A way to resolve this involves using clever imagery to explain your product that a traditional photograph cannot vividly.

Product in Background

Sometimes, a product’s capability and primary benefit can fit into a customer’s situation seamlessly. To clearly show this, you have to use a clear photo of the product within its intended environment or use, but the product should not be the focal point.

Stand-Alone Product

As opposed to our initial point, it may be necessary for the product to display on its own in certain circumstances. Specifically, if the product is detailed, shooting a stand-alone photo enables its simplicity to be showcased.

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– Mo studios

Suspended Product Photography

You can hang the product up and capture it when you want to showcase the main strengths. One of the main benefits of this is that the mid-air positioning dramatises the shot, leaving an indelible image in the viewer’s mind.

360° Spinning Product Photography

If you want to provide your customers with a more immersive product viewing experience, you can use 360° spinning product photography. Using quality video loops provided by such spins provide unparalleled online 360° product images for your customers. In addition, customers have more control over what they see as they can view the product at their own pace while also showcasing every detail of the product you are selling.

People With Your Product


When your product’s core offering lies in its interactions with people, it is best if people appear in the shot. So you humanise the product and give it a personable appeal by including people.

Showcase Your Product Range

It would be beneficial if you let your customers know about the full range of your product line. Try to capture the scope of your entire product line in terms of size or style, and you should emphasise these features.

We hope you found this professional insight helpful, find out more here.

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